Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Let's Reduce Our Carbon Footprint!

Image result for carbon footprint for kidsHey guys! Have you ever been told by your mum or dad, or even both! That you have to keep the house clean or your room? Well your carbon footprint is exactly the same idea when it comes to reserving the
environment. What is a carbon footprint you may wonder...? Well it's the amount of carbon dioxide (the air we breathe out of our lungs) and other mixtures released due to the consumption of fossil fuels by for example yourself or a group. but don't be worried or start to panic because there are some ways that we can preserve the environment and lower our own carbon footprint like:changing your incandescent light bulbs for more energy saving ones such as LED'S, you could also turn off lights, television sets and computers when not in use. There are many other ways we can reduce our footprint and help our environment.

How can we help NATURE?

Image result for pictures of kids growing veggiesThe answer is simple on how we can get actively involved by helping nature, and I'm sure the wild animals will appreciate it to because after all you're reserving their homes for them. To start out we can pick up trash and stop our littering and kindly remind others to do the same. Secondly you could help by growing your own vegetables or fruit in your back garden. You could even plant a tree! By doing this the plants and trees will provide assistance on moving the nasty greenhouse gas CO2 from the atmosphere. when your grow your own food, you're also helping to prevent more CO2 from entering the fossil fuel burning trucks, planes, and ships that transport foods miles and miles around the world.

How can we reduce our Trash Piles?

Image result for three r of recyclingI'm sure you probably didn't notice this too much but whilst your parents are shopping the plastic bags they put the purchased groceries in will more than likely get thrown out once the are unpacked. See now that's a waste, keep in mind to reduce your household trash try by recycling. Have any of you ever heard of recycling before or even know what the three "R's" are? if not it's okay, but recycling refers to convert waste into reusable materials such as maybe more plastic bags for groceries. If you want to recycle you must try and recycle whatever you can from tin cans, plastic bags and many others; most of many materials are in fact recyclable. If your own township doesn't do this then try and talk to a service about doing this. Lastly what are the three "R's" as follows reduce, reuse, recycle. To help memories it better just keep repetitively saying it to yourself for 30-60 seconds. Other ways you can reduce your trash pile is use as much paper as needed (save the trees),you can also drink filtered tap water if you like to. Instead of drinking bottled water from the store carry your own drinking water in a reusable bottle. Plastic water bottles can be an environmental disaster!

What about wasting water?

Did you know that the Earth's surface is covered with about 71% isn't that amazing! In parts of the world though not all of this water is clean, or even safe to drink. As many more parts of the world is hit by droughts. This is becoming a serious problem of late and the sooner we start conserving water the better for our planet it will be. Ways you can become more aware of saving water is to take a shower instead of baths, you could turn off the tap when brushing your teeth and use again to rinse your mouth and clean your sink also.

Are you ready to help make a difference?

I hope after reading this you can now start telling other like your friends, family, and even teachers to just be a little more careful. Realize that our time on Earth is running out faster, but with the changes you can spread in your home and to others we will have thousands and hundreds of more years to come. 


"Kids 4 Clean Air | Pollution | Climate | Recycling." Kids 4 Clean Air | Pollution | Climate | Recycling. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
"Carbon+footprint+for+kids - Google Search." Carbon+footprint+for+kids - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
"Gardening+for+kids - Google Search." Carbon+footprint+for+kids - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
"Reduce+Trash+Waste+for+kids - Google Search." Carbon+footprint+for+kids - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

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